Start Blocking Annoying Ads & Pop-Ups

Get Faster Web Browsing By Blocking Unlimited Ads & Trackers with Total Adblock
Start Blocking Ads Now

Start blocking unwanted ads including; YouTube™ video ads, ads on Facebook, ads on news sites, and millions more.

Block Ads. Browse Better.

Remove Annoying and Distracting Adverts

Eliminate pop-ups, banners, and video ads, so you can see what really matters.

Enjoy a Faster Web Browsing Experience

Improve page load times and enjoy faster browsing. Blocking ads gives your browser a speed boost.

Protect your Privacy and Information

Total Adblock blocks third-party trackers and helps you avoid being tracked across the Internet.

Instantly Disable Annoying Ads & Notifications

Our advanced ad blocking technology allows you to instantly take control of your online browsing experience. We’ll identify and block both ad server and tracking server calls putting you back in the driving seat.

Block Unwanted and Intrusive Ads on the Web

Enjoy a cleaner and smoother browsing experience by stopping advertisers controlling what you see. We identify and block all ads, including the most intrusive, so you can browse in peace.

Watch Videos Instantly by Blocking Auto-Play Ads

Keep watching your favourite videos, ad free. With our advanced technology blocking all annoying ads, your videos will run effortlessly, with no interference.

Clear Browsing History, Cookies and Cache and Mute Annoying Notifications

Avoid being tracked across the web.

Clear Browsing History

Clear the history of every website you visit from 24 hours to all time.

Remove Cookies

Remove all cookies and avoid being tracked across the web.

Delete Cache

Free up space by clearing cached images and files in your Google Chrome™ browser.

Mute Notifications

Turn on Quiet Mode and mute all notifications in your browser.

Take Control & Block Unlimited Ads Today

Start Blocking Ads Now