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We've tested & analysed some of the worlds most popular websites listed on alexa.com
On average we saw pages load 57% faster with Total Adblock installed (5458 seconds with, 20819 seconds without) and also saw an 36% reduction in data used (on average, 2125 KBs per domain with and 3486 KBs per domain without)
In order to give our users right across the globe a deeper insight into the improvements and benefits that our extension can provide we've tested & analyzed over 500 of the top websites in North America. We've loaded over 500 of some of the most popular websites in North America both with and without the Total Adblock extension and were astounded at the performance improvements that we saw.
This test was completed internally and does not include any live user data.
57% Faster
North America
Stats Pending
Stats Pending
Rest of World
57% Faster
Combined Worldwide
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Block annoying ads including pop-ups, autoplay video ads, and audio ads on Facebook and YouTube™ on your Mac.
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